2024 School Division Sector Conference

The 2024 School Division Conference is taking place October 4th, 10 AM — 4:30 PM at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, Treaty 2.
Delegates must receive authorize by their Local to register and attend.

The Early Registration cost is $150 per Delegate, until Sept 4 2024.
After September 4, the Registration cost is $175.00
Hotel booking information will be announced the week of July 22nd, 2024.

Representing 6,000 school division sector (SDS) support workers across Manitoba, CUPE’s SDS Conference is organized by the SDS Committee with Division and staff support.

This conference will be an opportunity for school support workers to:

  • coordinate and discuss bargaining and other local updates
  • receive Health and Safety training with special attention to the Right to Refuse
  • hold elections for Committee Co-Chairs and elected positions
  • receive updates on the SDS workplace violence survey (please fill it out if have not already!)
  • hear greetings from President Gina McKay and Regional Director Lee McLeod
  • receive updates on recent agreements across the sector in Manitoba from CUPE Research

Register now:

I have been authorized by my CUPE Local to attend the 2024 SDS Conference