
Get involved with CUPE Manitoba Committees! Click on any of the committees below to find out more.

CUPE Manitoba Committees play a vital role within our Union and labour movement in Manitoba, and work on implementing the many initiatives, strategies, and visions determined at each annual convention.

Local Presidents are invited to nominate Local delegates and alternates for each committee by completing the following Committee Delegation Form. Once completed, the form can be Emailed to:

If you have any questions about how to participate in CUPE Manitoba Committees, please email or call 204-560-2138.


Sector Committees

  • Health, Long Term, and Home Care Sector
  • Municipal and Library Sector
  • School Division Sector
  • Provincial and Territorial Organizations Sector (Crowns)
  • Social Services Sector
  • Child Care Sector
  • Post-Secondary Sector

Issue-Based Committees