Safer Spaces

CUPE Manitoba recognizes that safety is a perception based on individual needs and experiences. It is further recognized that to be a welcoming, inclusive union we must take steps to make CUPE MB events as safe as possible for all.  

In working towards reconciliation and understanding that violence against the land causes bodily harm, the committee will work to support all initiatives to reduce the union’s impact on the environment. 

This Committee shall be known as the Safer Spaces Committee and will work closely with CUPE Manitoba, adhering to all by-laws and policies. 

To ensure as many perspectives as possible are present when considering needs for safer spaces, this committee commits to seeing who is not at the table and inviting specific groups/individuals to participate fully on an ongoing basis.   


The purpose of this Committee: 

-educate CUPE MB on the concept of safer spaces and the policies and processes that have been put in place to help achieve the goal of providing safer spaces at all CUPE MB events, including but not limited to meetings, conventions, conferences and schools. 

-advise CUPE MB on what is needed at each event to provide safer spaces and make recommendations on the annual budget to ensure it includes supplies and resources to support safer spaces. 

-consult with members, other committees and the Indigenous Council to build relations and hear specific needs 

-attend Local meetings, as invited, to educate and receive feedback on the work being done to create safer spaces 

-as possible, work to include all recommendations from the committees struck while under Administration into the daily work of CUPE MB  

-be available for events to provide a safer space where members will be able to gather, check in for resources, to chat or help with specific incidents as they occur to ensure the immediate safety of members who report violations the equality statement, code of conduct or policies 

-network with other labour and community organizations that share the goal creating safer spaces at union events and in community 


Any member who’s Local is affiliated to CUPE MB and who is invested in creating safer spaces may belong to the committee with full voice and ability to participate. The CUPE MB by-laws and policies will be followed for voting purposes.

To learn more or get involved, email: