Executive Board

Table Officers

Gina McKay — President

Carmen Prefontaine — Vice-President

Mylene Holmes — Secretary Treasurer

Christie Bachynski — Recording Secretary


Area Representatives (Area Vice-Presidents)

André Freynet — Winnipeg Area A

Hamid Hamzeh — Winnipeg Area B

Clayton Paul — Northern Area

Nick Ogryzlo — North Central Area

Gordon Meneer — Eastern/Interlake Area

Teresa Massinon — South-Central Area

Brittany Aube — Brandon Area


Diversity Representatives (Diversity Vice-Presidents)

Stefan Gudmundson — Young Workers

Karen Brown — Racialized Workers

Helen Tavares — Women and Gender Rights

Daniel Richards — 2SLGBTQIA+

Brandon Murdock — Indigenous Workers

Rachamim Coad — Persons with a Disability