Please fill out the form to register for access to the bargaining survey.
All CUPE health care members in CUPE Local 204, 500, 4270, and 8600 are eligible to participate.
Once you register, CUPE will email you a link to the bargaining survey.
Survey results will be collected and analyzed by staff at CUPE and your bargaining committee.
All personal identifying information will be kept confidential. The reason we are asking for your name is to ensure current CUPE members are participating. We will also use this information to update our contact list so we can keep you updated during bargaining.
We will be communicating via email, text messages and social media during bargaining.
Collective bargaining is always an important time for our members, and it is an excellent opportunity to have your voices heard. Please answer all the survey questions and help position us in the best way possible for a fair collective agreement.
For additional information or comments please contact CUPE’s Health Care Coordinator Shannon McAteer at