Community Resources

Below is a listing of community organizations and resources that may be of interest to CUPE members in Manitoba:


  • The Community Unemployed Help Centre

    The Community Unemployed Help Centre provides information, assistance, advice, and representation to individuals dealing with the federal government’s Employment Insurance program and Manitoba’s Employment and Income Assistance program. The Centre is a nonprofit agency. Its services are provided free of charge.

  • Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees

    Retired from the job but not the fight: The Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees (MFUR) is the Manitoba affiliate of the 500,000-member Congress of Union Retirees of Canada (CURC).We are retired union members, sup­port­ive of the aims and objectives of Canada’s trade union movement.

    CUPE Manitoba encourages retired union members to contact MFUR and become a member.

  • 211 Manitoba

    211 Manitoba is the front door to community-based government, health and social services designed to meet the needs of diverse populations, across all different aspects of life. It is a free, confidential service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in more than 150 languages, including 4 Indigenous languages.

  • National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

    The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) is a place of learning and dialogue where the truths of Residential School Survivors, families and communities are honoured and kept safe for future generations.

  • Community Solidarity Manitoba

    We are a coalition of organizations uniting and working together to overcome the politics of division, build community solidarity and fight for crucial issues of social justice. ​

  • Migrante Manitoba

    A community organization that advocates for the rights and welfare of migrants.

  • Climate Action Team Manitoba

    Manitoba’s Climate Action Team (CAT) is a coalition of environmental organizations in Manitoba working together to envision, investigate, and promote a road to climate resilience in our province.