Convention 2024 Registration I have been authorized by my CUPE Local to register for the 2024 CUPE MB Convention Member information (Please provide information below for the individual delegate/observer/guest, not Local contact information) Name of delegate/observer/guest: Address of delegate/observer/guest: Phone # (Cell) of delegate/observer/guest: E-mail address of delegate/observer/guest: Please indicate whether you will be attending as a Delegate, Observer or Guest: DelegateObserverGuest Self-identificationIf you are a member of any Equity groups and wish to register to vote for the Equity Representatives at their respective caucus meetings during convention, mark the appropriate squares below: Woman, in all their diversity2SLGBTQI+Persons Living with a DisabilityYoung Member (35 Yrs Old or Younger)IndigenousRacialized Sector IdentificationWhich sector do you belong to as a CUPE member? Municipal & Library Steering Committee SectorSchool Division Sector CommitteePost-Secondary SectorSocial ServicesChild Care SectorHealth, Long-Term, and Home Care SectorProvincial and Territorial Organizations Sector (also known as Crown Corporations)Other Will you be attending the Sector Conference April 30th, 1 - 4 PM? YesNo Convention CommitteesI am interested in sitting on the following Convention Committee(s): Resolutions & Bylaw AmendmentsCredentials ** To sit on a CUPE Manitoba Convention Committee, you must be a delegate to the convention. Convention Committees may meet up to (2) times before Convention: One month prior to Convention, and one day prior to Convention. Meeting dates to be provided to Convention Committee delegates following Convention 2nd Call. Local Information Local #: Workplace (Employer): Total # of members in Local If local is under 100 members, is request being made for small local assistance? (As per Article 7 of Bylaws, Small Local Assistance) YesNo Attendance and RSVP Request RSVPs for the CUPE National Officers’ Breakfast and the CUPE Manitoba May Day Dinner. Details of both events to be shared in 2nd Call of Convention. I would like to attend the National Officers’ Breakfast on Thursday, May 2. YesNo I will be attending the CUPE Manitoba May Day Dinner on Wednesday, May 1: YesNo Allergies and Food Sensitivities (Please provide details for planning purposes)