Season’s Greetings Sisters and Brothers,

As we come to the end of the year, we want to send our warmest holiday greetings and sincere thanks to all CUPE members, local leaders, activists and staff. Every community in the province is stronger because of the work CUPE Manitoba members do each and every day.

While we celebrate with our families and friends, many CUPE members will be at work over the holidays to provide the services that Manitobans rely on. Whether you are working to provide safe drinking water, working in hospitals, long-term care facilities, providing support to some of Manitoba’s most vulnerable citizens, or many other services, we thank you for your commitment to the communities we serve.

We must also acknowledge and thank our members who took part in political action events, served on a committee, worked on one of our campaigns or gave of their time in other ways.  Your hard work and dedication makes our workplaces better and keeps our union strong.

Looking ahead to 2019, we will continue to work on some of the challenges that we still face – namely, the ongoing upheaval of our health care system and privatization of our public services. By all of us working together, there is no challenge we cannot meet head-on.

In closing, on behalf of the CUPE Manitoba Executive, we wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season. We look forward to working with you in the New Year!

In solidarity,

Gord Delbridge