2024 CUPE Summer School a Great Success

CUPE’s 54th Annual Union Education Manitoba Summer School was held May 27 – 31 in Russell, Manitoba, Treaty 2 Territory. This was the first Summer School since 2019 and and included 60 delegates and facilitators. By all accounts, it was a great success and one of the best Summer Schools ever held in Manitoba. We look forward to growing participation even more next year.

One of CUPE’s great assets as a union is the quality and breadth of our Union Education for members. This year’s Summer School included four separate streams:

  • Leadership, Member Engagement, and Campaigns
  • Communications Camp
  • Health and Safety (Mental Health First Aid Certification)
  • Steward Learning Series

Evening social activities included a scavenger hunt, music Bingo, roasting smores, a banquet and dance, and lots of laughter and conversation on the patios and decks.

Great thanks to:
  • Education Rep, Liz Carlyle, for her leadership and organization, and Education Support Staff Annalyn Jimeno, for her coordination
  • The staff and team at the Russell Inn who were incredible, attentive, accommodating hosts, and who served some of the best meals we’ve ever had
  • CUPE Staff and Member Facilitators who made the week such a success
See some of the photos from this excellent week below. For more information on upcoming Union Education, including the June workshop schedule, see our Union Education page.