Manitoba CUPE members in Affiliated Locals are invited to attend CUPE Manitoba’s All Committees meeting on Monday, June 24 at 5 PM (online). Below you will find a list of all our Issue-Based committees:
Human Rights Committee
Health and Safety
Contracting-Out and Political Action
Indigenous Council
Women’s and Gender Rights
Global Justice
Charitable Works
Young Workers’
Safer Spaces
Racialized Workers’
Committee meetings are held online and each committee has an annual budget and an assigned National staff liaison to support their work. Provincial committees are a great way to dip your toes into union activism beyond your own Local.
At the June 24 meeting, we will hold elections for Co-Chairs for all committees (two per committee). In order to stand for election or to vote for a Co-Chair, you must be named as a Committee Delegate by your Local union. Only members of Locals Affiliated to CUPE Manitoba are eligible to participate.
The Local Delegate Form for Committees can be found here.
Please RSVP by emailing:
A follow-up email & zoom link will be sent to Registrants Monday, June 17th.
For more info, email: