Health Care Bargaining Update, September 11, 2024

On Thursday last week, CUPE presented the employer a package of proposals that seeks significant changes to the recently rejected tentative agreement.

Our bargaining team submitted proposals that reflect what we heard throughout the ratification process including wages that catch up, recruitment and retention initiatives, immediate improvements for home care workers, and more.

The employer’s side of the bargaining table has requested additional time to consult with funders (the government) so they can return to the table with an offer.

All unions involved have agreed to provide additional time for government to review our proposals.

No strike date has been set.

In the meantime, CUPE continues to prepare for a potential strike. Our picket captain training will begin next week and will continue until a strike date has been set. We are securing space for the strike headquarters, planning picket locations, and more.

Thank you to all the members who have registered as picket captains. If you are interested in becoming a picket captain, sign up at We need as many picket captains as possible to help cover all possible picket shifts.

Please ensure your member information is up to date.

Things can change quickly during a strike, so it is critical that your CUPE local has your email, phone, and mobile phone number so we can contact you with real-time updates in the event of a strike.

Rest assured, if it comes to a strike, CUPE is prepared.

Please reach out to CUPE at if you have any questions and stay tuned for our next bargaining update.