CUPE MB Letter of Solidarity for Strike Preparation (Locals 204, 4270, 500)

The following letter of solidarity was sent by CUPE Manitoba President Gina McKay to Locals 204 (Facility and Community), 4270 (Community), and 500 (Riverview/health care unit) as they prepare for possible strike action.

Sisters, Brothers, and Friends,

On behalf of CUPE Manitoba and our provincial executive, I want to send along our solidarity and support to all CUPE health care locals, units, members of the bargaining committee and health care members throughout the province. As CUPE’s elected political body in Manitoba, we do not participate in bargaining, but we are here to help raise your voices and to be shoulder to shoulder with you on the path to a fair collective agreement.

As your Locals prepare for possible strike action throughout the province, I want you to know that CUPE Manitoba has your back and will be right there with you on the picket lines if a health care strike is necessary.

CUPE’s National Strike Fund ensures that every CUPE member receives the Union’s full backing. If your bargaining committee is forced to set a strike date in coming weeks, CUPE Manitoba will immediately notify all CUPE Local Presidents and Recording Secretaries in Manitoba to create awareness and forge solidarity with your struggle across every sector where CUPE has members.
We are here to fight for a fair deal with you and will be there every step of the way. We are ALL IN for health care. As CUPE Manitoba President, I am always ready to fight for CUPE members, and together we can show Manitoba what Union solidarity means!

Please continue to follow your Local emails and communications closely. As your Locals implement strike preparation plans, we encourage members to step up in a united effort to ensure there are enough picket captains and that all hands are on deck. Hold strong over these next few weeks and know that we are all fired up to build solidarity and power with you, whatever it takes.

In Solidarity,

Gina McKay

President CUPE Manitoba