Pembina Trails School Division: Stronger With Us, Q&A

Pembina Trails School Division non-teaching employees are invited to a Q & A with CUPE, Manitoba’s largest school support staff union.

When: Thursday, February 27, 5-7pm
Where: CanadInns Fort Garry
Why: To learn about the future of education, and why CUPE is the strongest way forward for school staff.

With the provincial government’s upcoming education review, school support staff have at Pembina Trails School Division have been telling us that they are worried about their representation in the future.

CUPE represents over 5,500 school staff across Manitoba, including staff in Pembina Trails School Division.

Now is the time for a strong, united, professional voice to advocate for staff at Pembina Trails. Come find out what CUPE has to offer.

For more information contact:
Dale Edmunds,
CUPE Staff Representative